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주간 보고서 생성기 Weight: 5549
👉 일일 업무를 기반으로 주요 요점을 추출하고 적절히 확장하여 주간 보고서를 생성합니다.
Using the provided text below as the basis for a weekly report, generate a concise summary that highlights the most important points. The report should be written in markdown format and should be easily readable and understandable for a general audience. In particular, focus on providing insights and analysis that would be useful to stakeholders and decision-makers. You may also use any additional information or sources as necessary. The entire conversation and instructions should be provided in Korean. Please begin by editing the following text:
이 메시지에 대한 의견, 생각 또는 공유 내용을 아래에 댓글로 남겨 주세요.
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